Deanna Pindell​​
ecologically-focused public art and sculpture​
We All Share the Same Water

engraved granite on concrete pillars

the rock for this project integrates well with the rock used in other park elements, such as the amphitheater.

engraved granite; text: "willow oak"; image of willow oak leaves

one of five species chosen to represent the many species of insects, plants, fish, and birds who make their lives in and around this pond.

light reflecting from polished, engraved, granite mounted on concrete pillar

duckweed, bumblebee, mockingbird engravings; the concrete pillars also function to stabilize the rock and slow the flow of the water.

overall view with rock-filled pools, dammed by coir logs, and pinned in place by concrete pillars topped by the engraved granite slabs.
This Eco-Art project is designed to improve an existing stormwater runoff system, and adds art inspired by the research of the students who use the pond as an outdoor classroom. ​
This earthwork functions to protect the nearby Catawba River, which supplies the drinking water aquifer for the region. The problem which we needed to solve involved slowing down the fast flow of stormwater from the nearby parking lot during rain events.
The stormwater carries pollutants and sediments from the parking lot, and causes erosion. Our goal was to slow down stormwater and allow it to pool up before it gets to the settling pond. This allows the sediments and heavy metals to settle out and filter some of the pollutants. Next, the 'pre-treated' water flows to the pond where bacteria and plants continue to cleanse the water naturally. Small critters and insects can flourish in such a stormwater pond.
The students at this school used the pond as an outdoor laboratory. Together, we chose five species from their research projects to be represented in this artwork.
The McColl Center for Visual Art has granted this Environmental Artist-in-Residency (EAIR) to Deanna Pindell. Trinity Episcopal School is the collaborating school. The City owns the land and allowed the project. Charlotte, North Carolina, USA. ​